PI & CMI Trade Names and Active Ingredients containing codeine. 51 Documents available.
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Trade NameInformation SheetActive Ingredient(s)
ACTACODEPICMIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate
AMCAL IBUPROFEN PLUS CODEINEPICMIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; ibuprofen
AMCAL STRONG PAIN RELIEF EXTRAPICMIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
APX-Paracetamol/CodeineCMIPIparacetamol; codeine phosphate hemihydrate
AspalginPICMIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; aspirin
ASPEN CODEINEPICMIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate
Brufen Plus 200/12.8CMIPIIbuprofen; codeine phosphate hemihydrate
Cipla Pain Relief Paracetamol + Codeine 10CMIparacetamol; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; codeine phosphate
Cipla Pain Relief Paracetamol and Codeine 8PIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
CIPLA COLD & FLU DAY TABLETSCMIpseudoephedrine hydrochloride; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
CIPLA PAIN RELIEFCMIparacetamol; doxylamine succinate; codeine phosphate hemihydrate
CIPLA PAIN RELIEF IBUPROFEN PLUSCMIPIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; ibuprofen
CIPLA PAIN RELIEF PARACETAMOL + CODEINE 15CMIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
CIPLA PAIN RELIEF PARACETAMOL + CODEINE with CALMATIVEPIparacetamol; doxylamine succinate; codeine phosphate hemihydrate
Codalgin ForteCMIPIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
Codapane FortePICMIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; Paracetamol
Comfarol FortePICMIParacetamol; Codeine phosphate
CODASIGPICMIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
CODOXAMOL tabletCMIparacetamol; doxylamine succinate; codeine phosphate hemihydrate
DolasedCMIPIparacetamol; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; doxylamine succinate
Dolased ForteCMIPIdoxylamine succinate; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
FEBRIDOL COCMIparacetamol; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; codeine phosphate
FEBRIDOL XTRA PARACETAMOL AND CODEINECMIparacetamol; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; codeine phosphate
Gold Cross Codeine LinctusPICMIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate
IBUDEINECMIPIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; ibuprofen
IBUPROFEN/CODEINE-TIH 200/12.8PICMIibuprofen; codeine phosphate hemihydrate
IBUPROFEN/CODEINE-WGRCMIPIibuprofen; codeine phosphate hemihydrate
maxydolPIdoxylamine succinate; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
MAXYDOLCMIdoxylamine succinate; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
MersyndolPICMIdoxylamine succinate; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; Paracetamol
Mersyndol DayStrengthCMIPIParacetamol; codeine phosphate hemihydrate
Mersyndol FortePICMIParacetamol; Codeine phosphate; Doxylamine succinate
MEDCO IBUPROFEN 200 and CODEINE PHOSPHATE 12.8PIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; ibuprofen
MEDCO Paracetamol 500 and Codeine Phosphate 15PIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
MEDCO PARACETAMOL 500 CODEINE PHOSPHATE 10 AND DOXYLAMINE SUCCINATE 5.1PIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol; doxylamine succinate
MEDITAB PARACETAMOL PLUS CODEINECMIparacetamol; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; codeine phosphate
MEVADOL FORTEPICMIdoxylamine succinate; paracetamol; codeine phosphate hemihydrate
MYDOL 15CMIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
MYDOL15CMIPIparacetamol; codeine phosphate hemihydrate
Nurofen PlusCMIPIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; ibuprofen
Panadeine FortePICMIParacetamol; Codeine phosphate
Panamax CoCMIPIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; Paracetamol
Paracetamol/Codeine GH 500/30CMIPIparacetamol; codeine phosphate hemihydrate
PARACETAMOL/CODEINE GH 500/15CMIPIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
ProdeineCMIPIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; Paracetamol
Prodeine FortePICMIParacetamol; Codeine phosphate
ProdeinextraPICMIcodeine phosphate hemihydrate; Paracetamol
Sandoz Ibuprofen plus CodeineCMIPIibuprofen; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; codeine phosphate
Trust Analgesic CalmativePICMIdoxylamine succinate; codeine phosphate hemihydrate; paracetamol
Trust Ibuprofen Plus CodeineCMIPIibuprofen; codeine phosphate hemihydrate