PI & CMI Trade Names and Active Ingredients containing fentanyl. 16 Documents available.
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Trade NameInformation SheetActive Ingredient(s)
Abstral sublingual tabletsPICMIFentanyl citrate
ActiqCMIPIFentanyl citrate
Astrazeneca FentanylPIfentanyl citrate
B. BRAUN FENTANYLPICMIfentanyl citrate
DBL Fentanyl InjectionCMIPIfentanyl citrate
Fentanyl GHCMIPIfentanyl citrate
Fentanyl JunoPICMIfentanyl citrate
Fentanyl SandozCMIPIfentanyl
FentoraCMIPIFentanyl citrate
Marcain with FentanylCMIPIFentanyl citrate; bupivacaine hydrochloride; bupivacaine hydrochloride monohydrate
Naropin with FentanylPICMIropivacaine hydrochloride; fentanyl citrate; Ropivacaine hydrochloride; Fentanyl citrate
SublimazePICMIfentanyl citrate