PI & CMI Trade Names and Active Ingredients containing flucloxacillin. 9 Documents available.
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Trade NameInformation SheetActive Ingredient(s)
DBL Flucloxacillin SodiumCMIPIflucloxacillin sodium monohydrate
Flopen ViatrisCMIPIflucloxacillin sodium monohydrate
FlubicloxPICMIflucloxacillin; flucloxacillin sodium monohydrate
Flucloxacillin GHPICMIflucloxacillin sodium monohydrate
Flucloxacillin KabiCMIPIflucloxacillin sodium monohydrate
FLUCIL InjectionCMIflucloxacillin
FLUCIL Oral SolutionPICMIflucloxacillin sodium monohydrate
FLUCIL Powder for InjectionPIflucloxacillin
StaphylexCMIPIFlucloxacillin sodium