PI & CMI Trade Names and Active Ingredients containing mometasone. 10 Documents available.
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Trade NameInformation SheetActive Ingredient(s)
Atectura BreezhalerCMIPIindacaterol acetate; mometasone furoate
Elocon and Elocon Alcohol FreePICMIMometasone furoate; mometasone furoate
Enerzair BreezhalerPICMImometasone furoate; indacaterol acetate; glycopyrronium bromide (glycopyrrolate)
MOMASONE Alcohol Free creamPICMImometasone furoate
MOMASONE ointmentPICMImometasone furoate
NasonexCMIPIMometasone furoate
NovasoneCMIPImometasone furoate; Mometasone furoate
RyaltrisPICMIolopatadine hydrochloride; mometasone furoate monohydrate
Telnasal Allergy SprayCMIPImometasone furoate monohydrate
ZatamilCMIPIMometasone furoate; mometasone furoate