PI & CMI Trade Names and Active Ingredients containing morphine. 13 Documents available.
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Trade NameInformation SheetActive Ingredient(s)
ANAMORPHPICMImorphine sulfate pentahydrate
ARX MORPHINE MRCMIPImorphine sulfate pentahydrate
DBL Morphine SulfateCMIPImorphine sulfate pentahydrate
KapanolPICMImorphine sulfate pentahydrate
Morphine JunoCMIPImorphine hydrochloride trihydrate
Morphine MR MylanCMIPImorphine sulfate pentahydrate
MORPHINE LUPIN MRPImorphine sulfate pentahydrate
MORPHINE SULFATE MEDSURGEPICMImorphine sulfate pentahydrate
MS ContinPImorphine sulfate pentahydrate
MS Contin tabletsCMImorphine sulfate pentahydrate
MS MonoCMIPImorphine sulfate pentahydrate
ORDINEPICMImorphine hydrochloride trihydrate
SevredolPICMImorphine sulfate pentahydrate